The Shoulder Saga Continues…

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Well I’ve been up and I’ve been down and Colette is still hanging in there with me.  I screwed it up though.  The one thing about shoulder injuries, or any joint injury for that matter, is you need to baby it and not use it for a good while until it heals.  I felt so good after my last Bowen session.  I was really seeing a difference.  Then Saturday I forgot myself and hurt it.  Frankly I’m not sure what I did exactly.  I just know that because it WAS feeling so much better, I forgot and tried to use it like I normally would.  Mistake.  So I’ve been whimpering like a sissy-la-la waiting for when I can get in to see Colette again so she can perform more miracles.

Again, I know that Bowen may not work for everyone, but for me, it is FABULOUS.  Even more so, Colette is very gifted and her ability translates into results.  Not all Bowen Therapists are the same.  I know from experience that she is superior.  Stay tuned and I’ll post more, hopefully only good news.  Just remember…because it feels so much better doesn’t mean forget and use it!!  It still needs time to heal properly.


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(928) 443-0043
My Office is located at
The Oaks in downtown Prescott
143 N McCormick St, #101
Prescott, AZ 86301

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"I didn’t expect it to be so profound. 80% of that spot on my back feels released. It really is like a computer that’s been defragged.” ~J.L.

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My continuing education is ongoing with an emphasis on Bowen, Anatomy, and Movement coursework.

• Bowenwork Practitioner (2003) and Associate Instructor (2014).
Click here for my Bowenwork education/training.

• Graduate of a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Method Training Program in Bronxville, NY (1998)

• Graduate of NAMTI Massage School in Prescott, AZ(2005)
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