“Bowen therapy really works well for me. I have to say that Colette makes the big difference, however. I have seen other practitioners yet did not see the results or feel the sincere caring that I do from Colette. She's knowledgeable, skilled and is an excellent Bowen practitioner.”
“I have had great success in working with Colette. She is extremely well versed, informative, sensitive, and most importantly in touch with what a body needs to heal. In recovering an intensive surgery I hit a wall with agonizing back pain from the demands in positioning my body underwent while under anesthesia. My doctor (who was in Phoenix..) said to go to ER. I called Colette instead. I did not go to ER that night. Colette listened to me and worked gently with my body. Over a series of 3 treatments along with sage wisdom about how to nudge my spine back into alignment by supporting it's natural curves while sleeping, etc. my body is healing from trauma. I highly recommend Bowen in the hands of Colette!”